An Opinionated Guide To Art Bundle

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An Opinionated Guide To Art Bundle
Lucy Davies, Robert Shore
Each book - 160pp
129mm x 180mm
978-1-914314-45-2 | 978-1-914314-62-9 | 978-1-914314-55-1
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Save 25% when you buy this bundle. Price if bought separately £45

This Christmas offer includes one copy of each of the following:

An Opinionated Guide to British Art by Lucy Davies

Who cares about British Art? From William Blake to a wearable washing machine, this short but very opinionated guide takes you on a whirlwind tour of 64 iconic artworks, and explains in no uncertain terms why they matter and why British Art is amongst the most exciting in the world.


An Opinionated Guide to Photography. Text by Robert Shore

Who cares about photography? From fashion to photojournalism, portraiture to street photography, this short but highly opinionated guide takes you on a whistlestop tour of 66 of the world’s most iconic images, exploring why they matter and what makes them extraordinary.


An Opinionated Guide to Women Painters by Lucy Davies

Women painters have changed the way we see the world – even though, throughout history, many remained unseen. This short but highly opinionated guide to 66 of the greatest women painters of all time explains why they matter and what makes their work so magnificent.